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This Catholic Podcast is for those who are in the Faith or interested in the Faith and it helps anyone understand the Faith a little more.

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On the Road to Perfection

Walking in the Catholic Faith

A Podcast

Holy Owned and Operated Co-Founders Beth and Kristofer Cowles discuss topics of Catholic Faith as they take their regular walk around the neighborhood. It’s a conversation and exploration without confusing theology or apologetics and instead the kind of conversation you have when walking. On The Road To Perfection is a journey of Faith as we all explore and grow in our Catholic Faith together, amidst the sounds of birds, cars, lawnmowers, the local day care. and the neighbors and dogs we meet along the way. Unscripted and off-the-cuff, what you hear is what you get when you walk with us in the Catholic Faith.


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New Podcast Episodes Weekly

Every Thursday @ 11am Texas Time (Central)

Glory – Episode 78

Glory – Episode 78

This was a fun episode to do, and is a funny one to listen to!

What’s in a word?

Glory is one of those words that the English language has done a disservice to. It’s like “snow” compared to indigenous people in polar regions, or “love” translated from the Greek in the English Bible.

In this episode dedicated to Mary Henriquez, Beth and Kristofer discuss the idea of glory, and the many facets of it, and how it is used for its many different meanings.

Beth shares some history and meanings of words we use that are a part of the meaning of glory, so Kristofer learns a little Hebrew and Greek, despite his uncanny ability to get distracted by everything.

And they do it all in less than 22 minutes!

As a bonus, Kristofer keeps the song references to only those that have “glory” in them. Apparently, there are a lot.

Kerygma – Episode 77

Kerygma – Episode 77


Most likely this is a term you have not heard. But it is the thread that encapsulates our entire faith. It is what our entire existence and salvation relies upon.

In this episode, we share the Kerygma, define it, and invite you to join us in it. The only gain you get is Heaven.

Kerygma is the biggest secret, but also the most obvious thing…

Beth and Kristofer conflict with each other in this episode. Beth’s knowledge and wisdom butts up against Kristofer’s ignorance, and the result is a classic pursuit of Perfection!

Do Only Catholics Go To Heaven? – Episode 76

Do Only Catholics Go To Heaven? – Episode 76

Who goes to Heaven?

Some say only Catholics. Some say Catholics do not. Some say all sorts of things.

What does the Catholic Church say?

In this episode that we did while driving back from Kristofer’s spiritual director, we tackle a question brought up by a friend and actually addressed by the Church.

We go Summa on you, Vatican II on you, and all that in 20 minutes, when we could have answered it in less than a second.

Which we do about six minutes in.

Discerning God’s Will – Part 2 – Episode 75

Discerning God’s Will – Part 2 – Episode 75

So how do we know we are or have discerned God’s Will?

In this episode, Kristofer gives one of many concrete examples while he and Beth challenge us to see the miraculous as merely God’s Will that we should expect.

Beth gives great counsel on seeking God’s Will while Kristofer accidentally trips over some doctrine, thinking he came up with something The Church might have missed.

We CAN know God’s Will.

Here’s how…

Discerning God’s Will – Part 1 – Episode 74

Discerning God’s Will – Part 1 – Episode 74

The Lord’s will and how we know it is His will for us and how we can discern his will and what that means, are, as Beth puts it, the topic of this episode.

That’s a lot, and though we go deep we barely scratch the surface.

Or pound nails, as Kristofer’s inadvertent carpentry analogy gets a lot of air-time and seems to work the further we get into it.

Discerning what God wants us to do is simple.

But difficult.

This is a topic worthy of more than one episode, so this is part one.

The Laity – Episode 73

The Laity – Episode 73

What is my role as a lay person in the Church?

As laity we need to recognize how crucial we are to the Church.

This important discussion about the family of The Church – you and we who, without us, there is no Church – edifies all of us little people, and explores what we can and should do as members of the largest family in the history of the universe.

A little Mr. Rogers and some Bobby McFerrin to accompany us on this beautiful day in our neighborhood, Kristofer gets a bit philosophical at the risk of causing you to stop listening, and Beth makes some theological points in layman’s terms.

Thanks for joining us, neighbor!

The Incarnation – Episode 72

The Incarnation – Episode 72

What is The Incarnation?

More to the point, how do we approach it in our daily lives, particularly as we prepare The Way of The Lord during Advent?

In this fast-paced walk and talk, we cover this deep subject with good humor and solid exploration, without going into the theology too much.

It’s a fun and lighthearted twenty minutes while we honor and revere the dangerous significance of this normalizing event of Jesus taking on skin and bones.

Family – Episode 71

Family – Episode 71

What do we do about Family interactions during the holidays?

In perhaps our most fun episode to date in terms of just rolling with it, Beth tries to make a point while Kristofer goes off into la la land.

Music, movie, cartoon, disco, philosophy, sitcoms and saint references seem to come easily when one person comes from a solid family of origin and another comes from the family that put fun into dysfunctional.

But, seriously, this is good stuff with some actual pointers. And even Larry gets into it…

LOTS of show notes with timestamps here, too.

Celebrating Advent – Episode 70

Celebrating Advent – Episode 70

How is Advent celebrated?

Celebrating Advent is sometimes overlooked in anticipation of Christmas, but for a Catholic, Advent is that anticipation as we begin a new Liturgical Year.

In this episode we discuss the many ways our family does – and yours can – celebrate Advent, and not just with an Advent Calendar.

There are tons of ways to make it a celebration every day for all four weeks! This is how we do it…and we provide the resources for you to do it, too!

It’s All In The Little Things – Episode 69

It’s All In The Little Things – Episode 69

What makes our Catholic Faith work in our daily lives? With concrete examples and references from Monty Python to Frank Zappa, Kristofer and Beth explain how to eat an elephant – and pave the road to perfection with little cobblestones in our every waking moment. One of us is really good at this. The other is not – but there is still Hope for him!

Life – Episode 68

Life – Episode 68

What is Life? With some help from The Beatles, Deep Thought, Mikey, Topol and Fiddler on the Roof, we explore the Catholic perspective on Life, the Universe, and Everything. Well, at least as much as we can in 20 minutes!

Why Does the Catholic Church Have Saints – Episode 67

Why Does the Catholic Church Have Saints – Episode 67

Why do Catholics have saints? What are the Saints for, why do we have All Saints Day? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy answer all those questions with their usual brevity and wit.

Why Does The Catholic Church Not Believe In Cremation – Episode 66

Why Does The Catholic Church Not Believe In Cremation – Episode 66

Why Does The Catholic Church Not Believe In Cremation? Beth and Kristofer do not accept the premise.

Does the Church discourage cremation? Sure.

But it also accepts the occasional necessity of cremation, and when chosen prudently it is not a sin.

But when done for the wrong reasons, it is a grave sin. No pun intended!

Listen to understand the nuances of the Church’s teaching on this sensitive and often gut-wrenching topic.

Why Do Catholics Believe In Transubstantiation – Episode 65

Why Do Catholics Believe In Transubstantiation – Episode 65

Why do Catholics believe in transubstantiation? “Mostly because it’s real,” is what Kristofer says. Beth has a more theological and very understandable answer, especially if you have gray hairs!

Why Do Catholics Have the Pope – Episode 64

Why Do Catholics Have the Pope – Episode 64

Why do Catholics have a pope? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about this interesting topic with all their usual wit and humor!

Why Do Catholics Baptize Infants – Episode 63

Why Do Catholics Baptize Infants – Episode 63

What is the big fuss over infant baptism? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy explore the need for infant baptism.

Why Do Catholics Use Latin – Episode 62

Why Do Catholics Use Latin – Episode 62

Why do Catholics use Latin? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss what the purpose of using Latin. From it being a dead language to its historical roots, Mama and Daddy answer this question with plenty of humor!

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary? – Episode 61

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary? – Episode 61

Why do Catholics pray to Mary? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss this confusing topic that many Catholics and Protestants alike don’t fully understand.

Why Do Catholics Use Beeswax Candles? – Episode 60

Why Do Catholics Use Beeswax Candles? – Episode 60

Why do Catholics use Beeswax Candles? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy answer this question and give a stunning bit of symbolism that is easily overlooked with good humor.

Why Do Catholics Use Unleavened Bread? – Episode 59

Why Do Catholics Use Unleavened Bread? – Episode 59

Why do Catholics use unleavened bread? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss this interesting topic that will help make this key part of the mass make sense.

Why Do Catholics Use Incense? – Episode 58

Why Do Catholics Use Incense? – Episode 58

Why do Catholics use incense? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy answer this question going back to the roots of Christianity and the theological background for the use of incense.

Morning Prayer – Episode 57

Morning Prayer – Episode 57

In this episode of On the Road Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about their Morning Prayer routines. What they do, how they help, and when they do them. Learn how saying “Good Morning Lord” will help you have a better day!

The Mass Part 2- Episode 56

The Mass Part 2- Episode 56

What is the Mass? How should I dress? How do I prepare? In this Episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss the most important gathering Catholics make, the Holy Mass.

The Mass Part 1- Episode 55

The Mass Part 1- Episode 55

What is the Mass? How should I dress? How do I prepare? In this Episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss the most important gathering Catholics make, the Holy Mass.

Eucharist – Episode 54

Eucharist – Episode 54

What is the Eucharist? Why is it “the source and summit of our faith?” Is it cannibalism to receive the Eucharist? Why do Catholics believe Jesus is in that small unleavened wafer? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, mama and Daddy explore all the mysteries of the Eucharist.

Keeping Your Teens Faithful – Episode 53

Keeping Your Teens Faithful – Episode 53

How do we get teens to go to mass? How do we keep them from becoming one of the staggering number of “Lost Sheep?” Why don’t they do what we tell them to do? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy answer these questions and more based on personal experience and their own trial and error. They will not let you down!

Death – Episode 52

Death – Episode 52

Death is a difficult topic. We avoid it out of discomfort. But Mama and Daddy talk about it with hope, grace, and tenderness. They talk about our final judgement, purgatory, heaven, our hope for the future, and a few helps for when we learn of the passing of a loved one.
Dedicated to: David Cooper (1973-2021)

Anniversary Episode – Episode 51

Anniversary Episode – Episode 51

Its been a year since the first episode of On the Road to Perfection! Mama and Daddy talk about the up and coming things for our ministry in this episode. Learn about more of our content and get a sneak peak at what the next year has in store from Holy Owned and Operated!

Faith- Episode 50

Faith- Episode 50

What is faith? Is it blind trust? Or belief in something we can only see the outline of? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about and explain the gift of Faith

The Sign of the Cross – Episode 49

The Sign of the Cross – Episode 49

The Sign of the Cross is a short prayer, but there is some mystery surrounding it.

Should I sign from right to left? Should I sign at the chest, or the belly? If I use my left hand, am I going to Hell?

Is it just a “Catholic” prayer or can any Christian pray and do it?

Mama and Daddy answer these questions and more in this episode of On the Road to Perfection!

Bits ‘n’ Pieces – Episode 48

Bits ‘n’ Pieces – Episode 48

Mama and Daddy talk about vaccines, testing God, and other Bits ‘n’ Pieces. They offer wisdom, anecdotes, and little, well, Bits ‘n’ Pieces of other things! This is an off-the-cuff casual conversation about lots of things happening right now.

The Magisterium – Episode 47

The Magisterium – Episode 47

What is the Magisterium? What does they do? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy answer these questions alongside others like what if a bishop makes a mistake? Who is right and who is wrong on matters of faith? Mama and Daddy cover this topic with all their usual grace and humor!

Ordinary Time – Episode 46

Ordinary Time – Episode 46

What exactly is Ordinary Time? Is it “normal”? Boring? What is “Extraordinary”? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy explain what this season is, what we do during this season and why we do it.

The LORD’s Prayer – Episode 45

The LORD’s Prayer – Episode 45

Most Catholic’s know the LORD’s prayer by heart, but do we know in our heart what it means? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy explain the Our Father in a line-by-line theological explanation. This episode will help you more perfectly pray this perfect prayer!

Pentecost – Episode 44

Pentecost – Episode 44

What is Pentecost? Why do we celebrate it? In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about this multi-faceted feast of the Church. It is the Church’s birthday, but it’s also the confirmation day of the Apostles. Mama and Daddy will give you a better understanding of Pentecost!

Being Catholic is Fun – Episode 43

Being Catholic is Fun – Episode 43

Being Catholic is Fun? What? But Catholics can’t have fun, right? Wrong! Being Catholic IS fun as Mama and Daddy talk about in this episode of On the Road to Perfection. They talk about funny fun things and parties that all Catholics get to enjoy, from helping out the neighbor to going to Mass, and, um…other stuff, Mama and Daddy won’t help put the fun back into Catholicism – they help you see that it is already there!

How to be a Disciple – Episode 42

How to be a Disciple – Episode 42

How are we supposed to be a disciple? A lot of us are confused on how to accomplish discipleship. In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about how to follow Jesus, what resources we can use, and why being disciples of Christ can be so difficult. After listening to this podcast, discipleship will be a lot easier!

Original Sin – Episode 41

Original Sin – Episode 41

Why should we pay for the crimes of others? Is that fair? If it isn’t, what’s the deal with Original Sin? In this Episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy explore this oft evaded question and subject. Dad takes understanding Original Sin to a whole new level of basic, which should stand ground when explaining it to kids. It is a difficult subject, no doubt, but this podcast will leave you with a simple and easy explanation that will stand for curious children and surly teenagers – ahem!

Marriage Preparation – Episode 40

Marriage Preparation – Episode 40

People we know get divorced all the time, but why? Most likely, it comes down to whether they should have been married in the first place. How do you find out? You prepare for marriage purposefully. In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy discuss this crucial part in discerning a very difficult but rewarding vocation. Whether you have been married for five years, fifty years, just engaged, or are never getting married, this episode is both enriching and entertaining. Mama and Daddy have been on both ends of marriage preparation, and are glad to share their wisdom on this thing that leads to happier, healthier, and truer marriages!

We Are Easter People – Episode 39

We Are Easter People – Episode 39

Happy Easter! Is Easter really 50 days long? Why?

In this episode of On The Road To Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about the Easter season, what we do during the Easter season, why Catholics celebrate it for so long, and how we celebrate it. Join Mama and Daddy in as they talk about this wonderful time of the year!

Humility – Episode 38

Humility – Episode 38

Join Mama and Daddy in this episode of On the Road to Perfection as they travel through Kentucky and talk about the virtue of humility. This virtue may be the hardest one to master. But Mama and Daddy, two humble people (even if Dad says so himself), offer great incite into how to accomplish humility; a virtue that we all struggle with daily.

Retreat- Episode 37

Retreat- Episode 37

Mama needs a retreat! So instead of taking one, she and Daddy talked about them! In this episode of On the Road to Perfection they tell us what a retreat is, why we take retreats, and what they enjoy doing on retreats. This podcast will give you every reason to take a couple days off of work and go on a refreshing and rejuvenating retreat!

Self Control – Episode 36

Self Control – Episode 36

In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about self-control. The last, but not least, of the Fruits of the Spirit listed by Paul in his letter to the Galatians. Self-control is a difficult fruit to bear; but when we do, there is a great reward. Join Mama and Daddy and learn some tips and clues on how to increase Self-control!

Is Joe Biden Catholic? – Episode 35

Is Joe Biden Catholic? – Episode 35

The million dollar question: Is Joe Biden Catholic? Mama and Daddy do not take a political stand in this episode (which is a big step for Daddy!), but they instead clear up what an ex-catholic really is; what “judge not” really means; what an informed conscience really is; how we get an informed conscience; and how to bring disagreements with the Church to the Church.

Teenagers – Episode 34

Teenagers – Episode 34

In this talk about teenagers, Mama and Daddy tell us how to raise our teens in the faith. They give some pointers and reveal the secrets of how they’ve raised my brothers and me in our Catholic faith. I can tell you what they’ve done works, and the fact that my older brother is finishing his second year at a prominent – and orthodox – Catholic university is a testament to that! -Andrew

Chastity – Episode 33

Chastity – Episode 33

What is chastity? Can we have chastity in marriage? Can we be unchaste even if we are celibate? Mama and Daddy explain this virtue with grace and ease. They tell us how simple chastity is, they give us ways to stay chaste, and what a chaste life is; they give some examples of saintly chaste couples. NOTE: This topic is may be confusing for children, while Mom and Dad keep a gentle and “G-rated” approach, children may have more questions they need answered. Please be prepared to answer them truthfully to the point you believe they can understand. Storks can only last for so long!

Peace – Episode 32

Peace – Episode 32

In this episode of On the Road to Perfection, Mama and Daddy talk about Peace. What is Peace? When do we have Peace? Who grants us Peace? Mama and Daddy tell us all about this important Fruit of the Spirit, and how it leads us all to a, not only peaceful, but more faithful and joyful life!

Modesty – Episode 31

Modesty – Episode 31

What is modesty? Is modesty only in the clothes we wear? Why is it important to be modest? What if we can’t be Modest? Mama and Daddy brave the snow and tell us what modesty really is, how hard it may be, and how to avoid the flow of culture that leads to an immodest lifestyle. This may be an uncomfortable subject, but Mama and Daddy talk about it with such ease and grace that we’ll all be glad we joined the conversation. -Andrew

Love – Episode 30

Love – Episode 30

What is love? How do we love in everyday life? Is love, as Dad puts it, an “ooey-gooey” feeling? In this episode of On The Road To Perfection, Mom and Dad talk about love, how we are to love, and what is the greatest love; not to mention a lot more songs than average! – Andrew

Faithfulness – Episode 29

Faithfulness – Episode 29

What is Faithfulness? What does it mean to be unfaithful? Who are we supposed to be faithful to? In this episode Mama and Daddy discuss the faithfulness, and tell us about their faithfulness at the same time. -Andrew

Gentleness – Episode 28

Gentleness – Episode 28

How can we be gentle? What is gentleness? Is being gentle only a feminine trait? Join Mom and Dad in discussing the gentle topic of gentleness gently, and, ladies and gentlemen, it is the show we’ve all been waiting for! Show notes are included on the episode page. -Andrew

Generosity – Episode 27

Generosity – Episode 27

How can we be generous for the Lord? Jesus told the rich man in the Gospel of Matthew to give away all his stuff and follow him, is this generosity? What about Zacchaeus giving four times the amount which he stole? How about being generous with time? Mom and Dad talk about all these questions about generosity in this episode of On The Road To Perfection!

Goodness – Episode 26

Goodness – Episode 26

Goodness gracious! What is goodness and how to be good and do good are sometimes pretty confusing things. Do they ever conflict in your life? Beth and Kristofer talk about everything from Good Samaritan laws to getting a glimpse of God in every Goodness. This talk and walk is good to go!

Kindness – Episode 25

Kindness – Episode 25

“You gotta be cruel to be kind!” Wait…what? This is a fun topin but a serious one, recognizing that this Fruit of the Spirit specifically is NOT about being nice! Beth and Kristofer explore the difference and why Kindness is the way to go when having to choose between the two.

Epiphany – Episode 24

Epiphany – Episode 24

Did they come from afar, or a fire? Depends on your accent, and don’t get us started on whether or not its kings, magi, wise men…or even if there were three or more, or less! Oh gosh, the confusion! That must mean the whole thing is a myth, hoax, or legend, right? Um…no. Quite the opposite. And we talk about what it all means and how it applies to us every day… Tune in for an epiphany of your own…

Christmas – Episode 23

Christmas – Episode 23

Have a cup of cheer! Christmas is a big deal in the Cowles household, and this will give you a dose of it! From St. Joseph to Mel Brooks, walk and talk with Beth and Kristofer on Christmas Eve as they explore perspectives on Christmas that you just might not get anywhere else. Watch out! You may get stuck with a song or two in your head…

Patience – Episode 22

Patience – Episode 22

Don’t have the patience to learn Patience? You’re not alone, as you will quickly discover in this episode. While Beth is the poster child for Patience, kristofer is not. And if you want to learn how to get blessed with Patience – be careful! The secret is revealed!

Joy – Episode 21

Joy – Episode 21

JOY! Woohoo! We start off with a short rendition of that favorite kids’ Bible school song and then dive right in. Do you have Joy? You know it is different than happiness, right? Well, let’s talk about that and find out how, why, and where you have joy. It’s closer than you think! Afterwards, join us for Joy on our episode page:

Saint. Nicholas – Episode 20

Saint. Nicholas – Episode 20

Need to answer THAT question? Need someone else to do it for you? We’ve got you covered, and we take this question seriously! Saint Nicholas of Myra is one of those saints we all can relate to, and whom we all live and act ike, at least for a certain part of the year. Listen to how that makes us all saint-worthy, in spite of ourselves! Then tell us your Santa Claus memories and experiences on our episode page:

Gratitude – Episode 19

Gratitude – Episode 19

Happy Thanksgiving! And now for something challenging about being thankful: In this walk, we talk about Gratitude and explain its depth, not just in the surface understanding of being thankful, but in truly having an “attitude of gratitde” that goes beyond that pithy saying and delves into the soul and how Gratitude, when truly present, isn’t practiced – it is lived. Join us for the ongoing conversation and tell us your gratitudemoment on our episode page:

Our Saints – Episode 18

Our Saints – Episode 18

How do we welcome and work with saints on a practical level? Join us as we discuss particular saints in our own lives to learn how to meet and have a relationship with those saints God wants you to be intimate with. This is not a lesson on saints, but an in-depth discussion on how Kristofer and Beth and their family interact with individual saints, giving insight into how you can, too. This is boots on the ground stuff, not teaching and theory! Join us for the ongoing conversation and share your saintly relationships with us on our episode page:

Talents – Episode 17

Talents – Episode 17

How do you discover the Talents God has given you? How do you help others do the same? What about your family’s talents? In this episode, Beth and Kristofer discuss all and more, and give an exercise you can do, alone or with others, that helps show how you can multiply your money like the servants in the parable that Jesus shares in the Gospel reading coming in this Sunday’s Mass. There’s a spoiler for the kids, though, so goto to know when to stop listening if they are hearing this episode with you.

Saints – Episode 16

Saints – Episode 16

Saints. What does that have to do with me? Who are they? What does the Church teach? What do I do with that information? The saints are an integral part of the Body of Christ, just as we are. Hear what that means and join us for the ongoing conversation on our web site,

The Domestic Church – Episode 15

The Domestic Church – Episode 15

The family is the Domestic Church, but what does that mean and what are our responsibilities leading and being a part of that Church? Knowing is the first step to being and doing, so we talk about it in practical senses, and how we live the Domestic Church in our lives, and how you can, too. Simple, practical steps to get you rolling or to help you move to the next level. The Catechism makes it very clear that, as the Word proclaims, the Domestic Church is the foundational element of the Catholic Church. Listen and learn how to be a cornerstone of that foundation, and join us for the ongoing conversation on our web site,

Taking Young Kids To Mass – Episode 14

Taking Young Kids To Mass – Episode 14

Got kids but don’t know what to do with them at Mass? Wish others didn’t bring their kids to Mass? Well, we share how to make Mass with the kids the celebration that it is. Jesus says specifically to not get in the way of children coming to Him. Bring your young kids to Mass, and learn what to do with them, how to do it, and why you need to do it. And if you have a problem with people bringing kids to Mass, we have some advice for you, too, on how to deal with it. Because you have to. Jesus cried, too! Our Lord says, “Anyone who gets in the way of these little ones coming to Jesus, it is better for them to experience the fires of Gehenna,” so, um, bring them. Listen to what we learned, and give your kids the source and summit of our faith!

Morality and Masks – OTRTP0013

Morality and Masks – OTRTP0013

Is your Church the epicenter of immoral community activity by virtue of the masks that are not worn and the credit card processing done by PayPal? Could be. That’s our parish, too. This walk we talk Morality in the current context of mask wearing, and fundraising done by presumably moral pillars of the community. By virtue of our experiences that inform this discussion, we do name the places we have experienced immoral behavior…including those otherwise upright, stalwart organizations.

Grace – OTRTP0012

Grace – OTRTP0012

We say grace and talk Grace this time, giving you ideas on what it is, how to receive it, and what to do with it. Things get a little creepy with a house on our walk, and Beth asks Kristofer a Catholic question that we should all know the answer to – and you be the judge on if he answered it or not.

Stewardship – How – OTRTP0011

Stewardship – How – OTRTP0011

We share some stories about how to encourage stewardship in our family and our own lives. We talk about our experiences early in our marriage, careful to not imply a “prosperity gospel” approach to our relationship with The Lord, but instead a trust in what we already know and believe about God’s love for us. And check out to discuss this episode and access all of the resources mentioned.

Stewardship – What It Is and Is Not – OTRTP0010

Stewardship – What It Is and Is Not – OTRTP0010

During this 3 mile stroll, we talk all things Stewardship. What it is, what it is not, how it works, and how to work it. In this first part, learn the secrets that are not so secret, and get some resources and hints to take that first step or take your time, talent, or treasure to the next level. And check out to discuss this episode and access all of the resources mentioned.

Family Prayer: Why – OTRTP0009

Family Prayer: Why – OTRTP0009

In Part 2 of our walk-and-talk about Family Prayer, we talk about why it is so important to specifically pray as a family, and not just before dinner. “The Family that prays together stays together,” certainly, and there’s more to it than that!

Family Prayer: What and How – OTRTP0008

Family Prayer: What and How – OTRTP0008

Part 1 of this 2 mile stroll through the rain explores the what and how of Family Prayer, sharing the struggles and fits and starts that Beth and Kristofer had instituting it in their own family.

Spiritual Direction – OTRTP0007

Spiritual Direction – OTRTP0007

Part 2 of this 2.06 mile stroll is is a conversation about Spiritual Direction. Naturally extending from our conversation on Community last week, we share our experiences with Spiritual Direction and talk about how important that component of our faith is to our relationship with The Lord and others. We share some ideas on Spiritual Direction and some hints on what it is and what it is not.

Community – OTRTP0006

Community – OTRTP0006

Part 1 of this 2.06 mile stroll is all about Community. Being Catholic and becoming perfect in our faith and in who we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to do, requires community as an integral part of our spiritual growth and growing in relationship with The Lord. We discuss our different community relationships and the value they bring to our relationship with The Lord, as well as some of His relationships. And we talk about how you can grow in community, wherever you are in your journey.

Praying With Your Spouse, Part II – OTRTP0005

Praying With Your Spouse, Part II – OTRTP0005

This is Part 2 of this 2.52 mile stroll. Last week we talked about struggling to start praying together after our wedding even though it was easy together as an engaged couple. We discussed the tools and community that helped us recognize the beauty and bounty of praying together.This week, we continue with how we each pray throughout the day, what we pray, and how all of that infiltrates and weaves the family’s prayer life together. We end with discussion about our sacred daily dinner, consecrating our family to Jesus, The Jesus Plate, and family and couple prayer that ends the day.

Praying With Your Spouse, Part I – OTRTP0004

Praying With Your Spouse, Part I – OTRTP0004

This is Part 1 of this 2.52 mile stroll. Apparently our passion drives the conversation, because this was in 100 degree heat! This week we talk about struggling to start praying together after our wedding even though it was easy together as an engaged couple. We discuss the tools and community that helped us recognize the beauty and bounty of praying together. Some of those tools are listed in the resources to the right. Next week, we continue with how we each pray throughout the day, what we do, and how all of that infiltrates and weaves the family’s prayer life together.

Homeschooling, Part II – OTRTP0003

Homeschooling, Part II – OTRTP0003

This is Part 2 of this 2.45 mile stroll. See below for Part 1 from last week. We discuss the “socializing” question, our process and our evolving and constantly reviewed and revised “curriculum”. And we talk about how we afford our Catholic homeschool – and how our faith is intimately woven into our teaching and learning. And we look forward to what we are doing this year, because the pandemic affects homeschoolers, too. If we can do it, you can do it – if you are supposed to!

Homeschooling, Part I – OTRTP0002

Homeschooling, Part I – OTRTP0002

During Part 1 of this 2.45 mile stroll, you’ll hear how we started out clueless and now our first child is an Honors double Major in Theology and History at Franciscan University – on the Dean’s List with some pretty hefty scholarships. If we can do it, you can do it – if you are supposed to! Next week is the second half, Part 2.

Hope – OTRTP0001

Hope – OTRTP0001

During this 1.9 mile walk we reflect on the hope-filled Steubenville Youth Conference we attended online as a family this past weekend. We talk about the three types of Hope and what Hope means to us us as Catholics. spouses, parents, and friends, particularly during this pain-in-the-neck pandemic.

Perfection – OTRTP0000

Perfection – OTRTP0000

In our inaugural episode for On The Road To Perfection, during this 1.75 mile walk in 95 degree Texas July, we talk about Perfection, the pursuit of the entire show. What “being perfect” means, what it means to Catholics, and what it means to us as Men and Women, Husbands and Wives, Dads and Moms, and how to help those we love be Perfect just as our heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)